How To Improve The Accuracy Of Speech Recognition?

Speech recognition is usually much faster than typing. So you can save valuable time by using speech recognition software to type your reports, blog posts, and other documents.

One consideration that most people have about speech recognition software is their accuracy. Most people believe speech recognition software has poor accuracy and you have to manually edit the transcriptions after the automatic generation.

In this article, we discuss how you can improve the accuracy of speech recognition software so you don’t have to manually edit the transcriptions afterward.

How To Improve The Accuracy Of Speech Recognition?

Use a modern speech recognition application that uses machine learning

Recent machine learning advancements have significantly improved the accuracy of automatic speech recognition. Therefore, recent state-of-the-art speech recognition software can give you much better accuracy than older recognition software.

When we consider speech recognition tools available, we can categorize them as offline or online. Offline software doesn’t require an internet connection and uses your computer’s hardware to perform the transcription operation. On the other hand, online software requires an internet connection and sends your voice data to remote servers for the transcription process.

Both offline and online software comes with different accuracy levels. So you have to manually adjust the accuracy settings for the desired results. You can also read online reviews of different speech recognition software to determine how they perform for different accents.

Try to lower the background noise as much as possible

Too much background noise can degrade the performance of speech recognition software. Therefore, try to lower the background noise as much as possible for accurate results.

Noise from fans and other static noises can significantly degrade the voice signal and lower the accuracy of the speech recognition tools. So don’t point your microphone toward the fans or any other noise source.

Try to speak in complete sentences

If you are using a modern machine learning-based speech recognition software, always try to speak in complete sentences. Too short utterances can significantly reduce the accuracy of machine learning models.

Speaking in complete sentences can also help automatic punctuation systems of speech recognition tools. Therefore, you don’t have to add punctuation marks manually if you speak in full sentences.

Use a better microphone

The quality of the microphone can also affect the accuracy of speech recognition software. So use a microphone that can record voice signals with decent accuracy. Special dictation-oriented microphones are also available for this purpose.

Use larger language models

If you are using an AI-based speech recognition software, try to use a larger language model for better accuracy. Larger language models typically have better accuracy and perform well under background noise.

Train the speech recognition software for your own voice

If all fails, you can also train your speech recognition software for your own voice. However, training a speech recognition model for your own voice requires an understanding of how machine learning works. You may also have to purchase a GPU to speed up training.